The translation of the comments have been translated in italics.
Well, at Yaoi fans, I must say, who were "satisfied" with what was in Chapter 58 and 60 of Naruto Shippuden, or at least more illusions about a possible Yaoi this anime (like me XD ) So well, in order to substantiate my "theory" presented the following images XD.
Capitulo 60 (Chapter 60)
Lo que se observa es que primero la "señorita" lame la mejilla de Naruto para saber que tipo de chakra usa pero Naruto reacciona de una forma impulsiva retrocediendo inmediatamente y diciendole a la joven el "Porqué crees que estas haciendo esto?!!!".
What is observed is the first "Miss" lame the cheek of Naruto to know what kind of chakra uses but Naruto reacts in a way impulsive retreating immediately and telling the couple "Why do you think you're doing this ?!!!" .
Luego la joven empieza a hablarle sobre si quiera pertenecer a su "coleccion" y si le gustaba "el frances o suave" a lo que Naruto piensa que se refiere a "comida" pero luego la dama le dice que se refiere a besos (pobre Naruto, es taaannn despistado XD).
Then the couple begins to talk about whether you want to belong to his "collection" and if he liked "the French or soft" to what Naruto thinks that refers to "food" but then the lady tells it relates to kissing (poor Naruto is so confused XD).
Luego de unos segundos (para mi que fueron más) Naruto estiende y le dice: " acaso tú quieres besarme?!!!" (como siempre totalmente escandalizado). entonces la joven empieza a decirle si no habia tenido su primer beso a lo que él responde que tiene experiencia pero como sabemos solo tiene un beso y empieza a recordar que fue con Sasuke.
Naruto le dice a la joven que si tuvo su primer beso pero que fue con un hombre, a la joven no parece interesarle y insiste con el beso a lo que Naruto le dice que NO y se va corriendo.After a few seconds (for me that were more) Naruto estiende and says, "perhaps you want Besar ?!!!" (as always totally shocked). The couple then begins to tell if he had his first kiss to what he has said that experience but as we know only has a kiss and begins to recall that it was with Sasuke. Naruto tells the couple that if they had their first kiss but that was with a man, the couple does not seem to interest and insists the kiss to what Naruto tells him NO and is running.
Más adelante Naruto es alcanzado por la mujer y a la fuerza le besa, pero, como este chico rubio es tan inteligente (debe de serlo no? XD) uso un clon y se salvo del beso mortal.
Later Naruto is achieved by women and force him kisses, but as this guy is so smart blond (should not be? XD) and use a clone is safe from the deadly kiss.
Capitulo 58 (Chapter 58)
Para resumir, el amigo Sai ve que su mejor amigo (según él) Naruto esta temblando de miedo porque minutos antes Yamato-sensei le asusto. asi que, como tan bueno que es y siguiendo consejos de un libro decide "auxiliar" a su amigo y se sienta al lado del rubio y sin esperarlo lo abraza efusivamente, la mentecita del rubio empieza a pensar: "Sai... ahora que diablos tratas de hacer".
Mientras Naruto le miraba con una cara de pocos amigos, sai reunia todo el coraje para poder "acercarse" a su amigo.
La verdad no se bien lo que queria hacer Sai con ese Dacercamiento", primero: decirle en voz baja, pero muy baja que no tuviera miedo, segundo: que queria tranquilizarlo retandolo a un duelo (Ése hubiera sudo Sasuke) u Tercero: lo que Naruto creyó que iba a hacer... BESARLO...
Bueno, como sabemos lo ingenuo que puede llegar a ser este chico penso la tercera posibilidad y entre gritos, reclamos y amenazes se alejó de sai dejandolo solo y preguntandose asímismo que es lo que habia hecho mal ó (traduccion personal: "qué creia Naruto que iba a hacer él?").
To summarize, the friend Sai sees his best friend (he) Naruto is trembling with fear because minutes before Yamato-sensei frightened him. So, as good as it is and following advice from a book decides "assistant" to his friend and sits next to the blond and unexpectedly so warmly embraces, mentecita of blond begins to think: "Now that Sai ... devils try to do".
While Naruto watched him with one side a few friends, sai gathered all the courage to "get closer" to his friend.
The truth is not what we wanted to do well with this Dacercamiento Sai ", first: to say in hushed voices, but that did not have very low fear, second: that wanted to reassure challenge to a duel (that would sudo Sasuke) or Third: What Naruto thought he was going to do... BESARLO...
Well, as we know how naive it can be this guy and thought the third option between shouting, threats and complaints of left sai leaving it alone and also asked what they had done wrong or (translation staff: "What Naruto thought he was going to do??").
3 comentarios:
jajaja que risa me encanta el yaoi de naruto
>o< genial genial!!! pa mi mala suerte no he visto la serie O.O xD dios em encanta cuando naruto se sonrojal reordar el beso desasuke xD jaja chaaangos tengo q ver mas de la serie solo he visot muy poco y cuanod son pekes x.x jajaaj visita mi pag. jajaja tengo cosplay de naruto muy bueno xD esperoq te guste ^^
jkajajaja!!!!!!!!!!!!!! es genial,me gustaria q algun canal de cable trajera naruto shippuuden...
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